
The Beaumont Hospital Ethics (Medical Research) Committee reviews applications to undertake research in Beaumont Hospital.

News Items

Micro-course for New Applicants 2024
This micro-course is suitable .....


Amendments to the HRRs

Artificial Intelligence

Audit and Service Evaluation

Broad Consent - is it permissible?

Case Reports / Case Studies / Case Series

Copy of the Consent under the HRRs (as amended)

Challenges in identifying Data Controllers

DPIA and TIA for Research and Clinical Trials

DPIA / Data Protection Reviews

Health Research Data Protection Network

Health Research Regulations, Capacity and the HRCDC

Genetic Data - can it be anonymised?

Genomic Research

Public Patient Involvement (PPI)




Radiation Questions

Radiation Studies

Research Database

Retrospective Chart Review Studies

RCSI Hospital Group - Research Ethics Committees

RCSI Sponsorship Office Process

Site Sign Off Process

Staff Survey Studies

The Irish Take - GDPR and Research

Third Parties and Contracts

Training #1- How to complete a REC Application
(40 mins)(Dr. Lyndon Walker)(2021)

Training #2- GDPR and Health Data
(35 mins)(plus 30 mins Q and A)(Ghent University DPO)(2021)

Training #3- Health Research Regulations 2018
(30 mins)(HRB)(2018)

Training #4- Submitting to Beaumont Hospital Research Ethics Committee
(5 mins)(video series)(Beaumont Ethics)(2024)

Training #5- Completing the Application Form and DPIA, and Developing Information Leaflets and Consent Forms
(transcripts)(Beaumont Ethics)(2022)