Temporary National Research Ethics Committee - COVID-19

A temporary National Research Ethics Committee (NREC) was set up in April 2020, and subsequently approved approximately 100 research studies on COVID-19 between April and August 2020.

Principal Investigators who received research ethics committee approval from the NREC were advised as part of the process to notify the State Claims Agency see FAQ 13 (link to HRB website), and the local research ethics committee(s)/site(s) see FAQ 14 (link to HRB website)

To notify the hospital that an NREC COVID19 approved study has finished, please contact beaumontethics@rcsi.ie quoting the NREC reference number.

As of 2024, most studies have finished, but two studies remain ongoing which received research ethics approval from the NREC-COVID19 in 2020.